Early research in computer animation developed 2D animation techniques based on traditionalanimation. Techniques such as storyboarding, keyframe animation, inbetweening, scan/paint, and multiplane backgrounds attempted to apply the cel animation process to the computer. As 3D computer animation research matured, more resources were devoted to image rendering than to animation. Because 3D computer animation uses 3D models instead of 2D drawings, fewer techniques from traditional animation were applied. Early 3D animation systems were script based, followed by a few spline-interpolated keyframe systems. But these systems were developed by companies for internal use, and so very few traditionally trained animators found their way into 3D computer animation.

The last two years have seen the appearance of reliable, user friendly, keyframe animationsystems from such companies as Wavefront Technologies Inc., Abel Research (RIP), Vertigo Systems Inc., Symbolics Inc., and others. These systems will enable people to produce more high quality computer animation. Unfortunately, these systems will also enable people to produce more bad computer animation.

Much of this bad animation will be due to unfamiliarity with the fundamental principles thathave been used for hand drawn character animation for over 50 years. Understanding theseprinciples should also be important to the designers of the systems used by these animators.


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